
Bulgarian Yogurt Starter

Greek Yogurt Starter

Kefir Starter

Prebiotic Stachyose to accelerate the proliferation speed of probiotic by as much as 40 times...

High Potency Probiotic - 50B

Culturelle® Probiotic

Local Delivery Service Available!

For orders above S$180.00, delivery will be free of charge.

Overseas order will be sent via post or courier service, please ask for quote.


Bulgarian Yogurt Starter

Yogurt starter for yogurt making

Our Bulgarian yogurt starter makes genuine Bulgarian yogurt (kiselo mlyako) of exceptional quality with classic Bulgarian yogurt taste, thickness, acidity and aroma. The yogurt is thick and creamy in nature and has an impeccable taste with just the perfect balance between being mild and tart. It is unlike any other yogurt you’ve ever tried.

Each pack can make 8 litres of yogurt. S$18.00


What you need:

The process:

Tip: make it at 11pm and you will have warm yogurt @ 7am next morning.

To order or to ask a question:

Ask Nutrimax Wellness

Nutrimax Wellness Store, Singapore
390 Victoria St #02-30 Golden Landmark (Opp. Raffles Hospital) Singapore 188061 Tel: 6292 2991, 83338375 (Mobile)