Rabenhorst 11 plus 11

Rabenhorst Apple Juice

Rabenhorst Barley Grass Cocktail

Rabenhorst Beetroot Juice

Rabenhorst Black Currant Nectar

Rabenhorst Blackberry Nectar

Rabenhorst Carrot Juice

Rabenhorst Cherry Nectar

Rabenhorst Cranberry Pure Juice

Rabenhorst Goji Cocktail

Rabenhorst Prune Juice

Rabenhorst Red Grape Juice

Rabenhorst Vegetable Juice

Rabenhorst Wheat Glass Cocktail


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Overseas order will be sent via post or courier service, please ask for quote.


This product is no more available, please call for alternative Tel: 62922991

Rabenhorst Organic Black Currant Nectar (Rich in Vitamin C)

Awarded with DLG Medal in Gold*

Rabenhorst Organic Black Currant NectarEnjoy this delicious juice - through careful processing it retains the nutrients and goodness of the fruit. These are known to benefit health and wellbeing.

Ingredients: water, organic black currant juice, organic raw cane sugar.

Specific characteristics: Vitamin C has been found to benefit the human immune system and also plays a role in the support of many other body functions. 
100 ml of Rabenhorst Organic Black Currant Nectar cover the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C to 50%.

Nutrition information/ typical values per 100 ml serving:
Energy: 286kJ (68kcal)
Protein: 0,1g
Carbohydrates: 16,0g
of which sugar: 16,6g
Fat: < 0,05g
of which saturated fatty acids: < 0,02g
Fibre: 0,05g
Sodium: < 0,01g
Vitamin C: C: 30mg/50%*

* European Union recommended daily allowance (EU RDA) for adults

Rabenhorst Organic Black Currant Nectar - Minimum fruit content: 35%. Content: 750 ml.

*The DLG tests fruit beverages
The DLG has been testing fruit beverages for over 50 years. This has now developed to become Europe’s largest independent quality test for fruit juices. The tests are held every year and cover fruit juices, nectars, fruit juice beverages, spritzers, fruit wines and vegetable juices. In addition to the sensory analysis conducted by experts, the products are subjected to microbiological and chemical-physical examinations.
Depending on the number of scores achieved, the fruit beverages are awarded DLG Medals in Bronze, Silver or Gold.

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Nutrimax Wellness Store, Singapore
390 Victoria St #02-30 Golden Landmark (Opp. Raffles Hospital) Singapore 188061 Tel: 6292 2991, 83338375 (Mobile)