S$15.50 500ml
Product of Italy
Carapelli balsamic wine vinegar from Modena is a vinegar that is characterised by its intense aroma and rich, velvety flavour. It combines a classic vinegary taste with a sweet aroma that is brought about by an ageing process.
It is ideal for use as a salad dressing, in the preparation of sauces, with cheese or to give a refined touch to fruit or dessert. It is also excellent used in hot dishes, gracing them with an unmistakable elegance.
Rich and Smooth. Imported From Italy. Since 1893. Selected by Carapelli for its rich taste and its special ability to enhance salads, meat, fish and fresh fruit.
Wine Vinegar, Grape Must, Caramel (E 150-d), Contains Sulfites, Acidity (6.0%).
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